Le Corbusier, primarily known for his contribution to modern design and urban planning of the late 19th and early 20th century, is currently MoMA’s feature architect in the recent special exhibition Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscape on view June 15 through September 23, 2013. While the exhibition focuses on Corbusier’s reputation as architectural mastermind through a conglomeration of trace paper sketches, detailed eighth-inch orthogonal drawings, site plans, and white-stained process models all hung salon style, MoMA opted to display a lesser known Le Corbusier as artist, interior designer, and photographer. ARCHITECT (noun): 1) a person who designs buildings 2) a person who designs and guides a plan, project, etc. [ORIGIN: Middle French architecte, from Latin architectus, from Greek architektōn master builder, from archi- + tektōn builder, carpenter; first known use in 1563] CIVILIZE (verb): 1) to teach (a person or group of people) to behave in a way that you think is more polite and gentle 2) to make (something) more gentle, fair, reasonable, etc. 3) to cause (a group of people) to have a more highly organized and modern way of living [First known use 1601]
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This is my timeline of thought; a compilation of reminders, questions, inspiration and current events all which affect my creative energy. This blog intends to help strengthen my creative process and reassure my artistic self of a consistency in thought and familiar topics. [Definitions from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary] ARCHIVES
August 2014